By describing the sort of ethos and culture that will characterize The Dandelion Project, room is created for emerging leaders to have creative vision within their area of responsibility. Our core values are the flavor of who we are becoming, and provide a defining platform for what we actually do.

We value:

  1. Hearing and obeying the voice of Jesus
  2. Turning to prayer first
  3. Living as missionaries wherever we live, work and play
  4. Welcoming people into a family atmosphere where anyone can belong
  5. Designing everything to multiply soon - structures are lightweight, authentic, and 'good enough'
  6. Raising up empowered and accountable leaders who equip others
  7. Modeling faith-filled risk-taking expectancy, especially for Holy Spirit encounters
  8. Blessing our cities as we demonstrate and declare God’s Kingdom
  9. Inspiring and serving the wider church